Garage Doors for Every Taste

February 14, 2014

Tips for Care of your Wooden Garage Door

We service many many older homes that have wooden garage doors. These tend to be well made and have stood the test of time.  However, as they get older they can be more difficult to repair (finding parts etc.) or replace. Whatever type of garage door you currently have you can be sure that there is a garage door to suit every home, use and budget!

If you have an older wooden garage door, the only disadvantage is finding the time to care for it properly and keep it well maintained.  Here are some thoughts that will help your wooden garage door last even longer!

1. Wooden garage doors are extremely versatile and you can change the color or stain as often as you wish – whether you want to match with the neighbors, or complement the rest of the woodwork on your home! Depending on the climate and wear your wooden garage door experiences, you will have to paint or stain it whenever it begins to flake or peel (usually every couple of years). To insure success, make sure you use a good quality product designed for outdoor use and sand and clean the door before you begin.

2. At least once a year you should check all the working parts, including the springs, rollers, hinges and any other components that move when the door opens or closes. Make sure these parts are well lubricated, a simple silicone spray lubricant is best.   Don't use WD40! (this tends to drip on floors and cars and attracts dirt to the areas you're trying to lubricate).

3. You should also check for any loose screws, nuts or bolts. If you do this often enough you should be able to avoid further damage and expensive repairs later on.

4. Inspect the tracks and make sure they are all correctly lined up with the rollers. If they become unaligned it can catch, cause a stuttering and jolting action. This can even cause the door to stick half way. 

5. If you notice that your garage door becomes stiff and difficult to lift over time, it’s likely that the springs are in need of adjustment or replacement. This can be a particularly hazardous job though – so be sure to call in the professional!

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1 comment:

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