Garage Doors for Every Taste

June 6, 2013

Warm Weather and Open Garage Doors leads to Easy to Prevent Crime

Warm Weather and Open Garage Doors leads to Easy to Prevent Crime. As the weather begins to warm into summer, windows are opened, people are outside doing yard work, and for many, their guard is down.

It’s this time of year that local police departments want residents to take precautions to keep their belongings, and themselves, safe.
Police say they typically see an increase in car break-ins, as pedestrian activity increases and cars windows are left open or doors unlocked. Crimes of this type are easy to prevent, if belongings are removed from the car. Remember too, that for many, the garage door opener is left in their vehicle - an open invitation (and key) to your home.
Likewsie, yard work brings homeowners to the back, to cut the grass, with the garage in the front of the house exposed to theft if the door is left open. People have a tendency to work in their back yards with their garage doors open and this makes them more vulnerable to daytime burglaries.
Just remember to shut the garage doors while working in the back yard - It can be inconvenient, but better safe than sorry.

If your garage door isn't working properly - give us a call In Seattle, Salt Lake, San Diego and Spokane


  1. I agree! It is better safe than sorry. It is quite inconvenient but it will give you peace of mind that your belongings are safe. It is really important to think of the precautionary measures to prevent thieves from getting inside your home.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, You put good garage door safety tips During the Warm Weather Months. Thanks for Sharing.
