Garage Doors for Every Taste

January 25, 2011

Why is My Garage Door so Heavy?

Garage doors are generally the largest moving piece of machinery in your home, with an average size of 8′ wide and 7′ high for a single car door and 16" by 7' high for a double car door. Regardless of the type of material used, they will be heavy. That’s why there are springs and a counter balance system to take all that weight, and make it easy for you or your Garage Door Openers to handle easily. Over time, springs do break and/or relax, making the doors feel heavier. Stripped openers gears are often caused by this type of problem. To check this - occasionally disconnect your door from the opener. Pull down on the Red cord to accomplish this... If the door is "heavy" and/or will not stay half open on it's own... it’s a good idea to have some maintenance done. (Note: Annual Maintenance is recommended). Springs are dangerous - have a professional check for proper spring tension, and adjust them if needed.

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